Thursday, June 10, 2010

4-H'ers show swine at fair

Posted: Saturday, August 15, 2009 12:00 am | Updated: 5:10 pm, Tue Sep 15, 2009.

Peter Adelsen Staff Writer | 0 comments

GREENTOWN - One of, if not the biggest 4-H event each year is swine judging. Pigs dominated Wednesday morning and afternoon at the Lions Pavilion.

One participant struck gold. Baxter Howell pulled the double by having his barrow pigs become grand champion and reserve grand champion.

"We got lucky today, if there was another day it could have been another pig," Howell said. "I would like to thank everyone else for showing their hogs. There are some really good hogs this year. We just got fortunate today."

He may have been fortunate, but his pigs just kept on placing high. His pigs won the 260 pounds to 269 pounds honor group selection championship, 270 pounds to 279 pounds honor group selection championship and the overall champion crossbred barrow. His brother, Blake, also was a champion. His pig was champion Yorkshire barrow.

Earlier in the event, the gilts were judged. This year's grand champion gilt was Sam Whybrew's.

"I was very, very happy," Whybrew said. "The judge was really good, very nice and friendly."

His gilt will be going to the Indiana State Fair in August.

Logan Hawkins' pig placed as the reserve champion gilt.

"It's a great honor to get reserve," Hawkins said. "There are a lot of kids who have nice pigs out here."

He said his reserve grand champion pig will go up for auction on Thursday.

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